
Life and Death

Bill was standing on the sidewalk, outside of a local homeless shelter. He was chain-smoking, as he described his anger toward me. I had not been there for him, at least, not nearly enough. His hands were shaking and the nicotine did nothing to calm his disposition...

We walked across the street to the Waffle House, where I bought him a coffee. As we sat together at the counter, I explained to him that I have been devoting most of my attention to my daughter Ashlyn, who was recovering from brain surgery, and that I would not apologize for not returning his (incessant phone calls). He seemed to calm down, and then eventually he regretted being a burden.

He has no family to speak of. Although he once thrived in Wilmington, the economy choked him from his savings, and his health had begun to deteriorate. He had come to Asheville, and eventually to Exodus Church, for a new beginning, and I tried so hard to welcome him! We invited him into our home, and the community of faith reached out to him in fellowship. I remember he was riding in our minivan with us, and my daughters made him laugh... it was the first, and the only time, I had seen his bright white teeth smiling!

But as he was unsuccessful in finding work, his time was limited at the shelter. Bill found himself sleeping at the bus station, or in abandoned buildings. He would clean up in the bathroom at a gas station, and tried to keep an image of respect. But as the weeks grew on, he became less consistent at church.

"Do you have my phone number?" he asked, with a hint of resentment. I nodded in response, "Yes, Bill, I have your number." He lit another cigarette - "Then use it!"

The last time I saw him, he asked me if God would send him to hell if he took his own life. He put his finger to his temple indicating his contemplated method of execution. For as long as I had known Bill, he had been talking about his inevitable fate... Until now,  I had believed his emotional cries for help were probably just that ~ a desperate attempt to be seen and heard.

As we stood outside in the late summer heat, he asked me again about the eternal fate of a self-inflicted end. I talked with him for a little while about theology, and most importantly about the offering of abundant life that Jesus has offered us. "You are standing at a crossroad, Bill. One path will lead to eternal life, and the other will lead to eternal death. I beg you to choose life!" 

He finished his cigarette and went to take his place in line for the overnight beds at the Veteran's Shelter. He waived to me, and I disappeared...

Last night I found out that Bill had gone down to the river, and shot himself in the head.

And I am left to wonder if I had done enough to help him. Didn't he warn me? Should I have alerted a medical response team or involuntary psychiatric assistance? And why hadn't I bothered to call as he often came to mind? What are the funeral plans, and how can I honor him? After all, he was my friend.

Every fifteen minutes, someone takes their own life. Which means every sixteen minutes there is someone trying to make sense of it all.

I have devoted my life to the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The flesh and blood and life and death messiness of a rescue mission with fifty shades of grey. There is no class for this in seminary. I am driving around with this guy's possessions in the trunk of my car. What am I supposed to do with that? Where can all of this carnage be buried? How can I radiate hope into a world so drenched in hurt?



Streams of Mercy, Never Ceasing...

I went to a wedding today. It was the kind of wedding that made the world stand still. November sunshine filtered in through stained glass windows, and leaves were losing a war with gravity.

I don't remember anything about the wedding, except:
the way she stared at him endlessly
and the way he kept caressing her hands
and the way she smiled and cried at the same time.

There was one sentence that left me frozen in a moment:
"May she boast only in his character..."

And from the second row I disappeared in thought, wondering if I were to die today, what would be my legacy? What kinds of stories would be told at my funeral? And in the years to come, what would be the memories of my children?

Perhaps some would tell about my faith in action, or the passion behind my sermons. Maybe I would be remembered for helping friends in need, or offering unrequited counsel. I guess funerals have a way of deifying very broken people.

And how did my mind wander from a wedding to a funeral? What is it about watching a bride stare at her groom, that makes us think about the sanctity of moments and the death of one life to the birth of another and then the inevitable "'til we are parted by death" ~ (a sobering resolution) ~

I remembered June 9, 2001. As a crowd gathered in the sanctuary, I was sitting outside behind the church with my dad and my brother, talking about nerves and nearly fainting! I also remember the massive trees outside the Berean Church, and wondering about how my soon-to-be bride was holding up... I remember meditating on Psalm 1, and wanting to be "like a tree, planted by the rivers of water..."
Every time I am at a wedding, I reminisce on my own, and I imagine my legacy.

While I watched him put a ring on her finger, I thought about how I want to be remembered:
As a man who walked with a limp, and loved without restraint. Nothing more, and nothing less.


Shame and Grace

Last week I got a disturbing text message when I least expected it. While I was walking through an Asheville neighborhood with my daughters trick-or-treating, my phone began to vibrate with the following message: "I've fallen off the wagon, and I am going to die."

The message was from a man named Chris, who had come to Exodus Church in late August. He had shared his story with me over lunch, and confessed that he been recently released from jail for a drug charge, and now he was living in temporary shelter at the Salvation Army. He asked me to help him stay on the right path, and vowed to stay clean and sober. He started showing up to church early, and helped to set up for the morning service... He even asked me to baptize him on Labor Day!

Two weeks ago, he disappeared. Multiple messages were left for him, yet he did not return my calls. Nobody had seen him, and the warning signs were flashing... As it turns out, he had relapsed again and had gone off the deep end. His text message on Halloween was a cry for help, literally. Chris had run up an outstanding debt to a local drug dealer. Fearing for his life, Chris had been hiding out in the woods, and in vacant houses. He called me to see if I could help him pay off the debt (nope), and admitted that he was strung out, craving more poison...

Later that night, I drove with my family through downtown Asheville, and I agreed to meet up with Chris for a minute. I saw him standing on the corner, wearing an oversized hat in attempt to shield his identity. I asked him what he was doing, and he said he was trying to get his hands on a bottle. I asked him to come with me to check into a detox facility, and I had even arranged for him to stay in a shelter that would help to provide medical care and rehabilitation.

Chris refused my help.

Last Sunday, during the morning worship at Exodus Church, Chris came stumbling through the front doors. He was bleeding from the head, and all of his fingers had been visibly broken. (The drug lord had found him, and beaten him severely). He was seeking refuge and forgiveness and hope... I met him at the front of the stage, and began to pray over him. The entire congregation engaged the surreal moment in silent prayer... tears began to fall as the worship slowed. Eventually, Chris fell prostrate on the stage and began to sob uncontrollably. "I am so sorry, God! I abandoned you... Forgive me, God!"

How is that for liturgy? Where does that fit in the bulletin?

The Spirit of God began to tear apart the hardest of hearts. Grown men began to cry along with Chris, and grandmothers stood in line to hug him! Never mind the fresh blood still pouring out of his forehead, or his broken hand folded together in prayer... I told him, "There is nothing you could ever do, to make God love you less. And there is nothing you could ever do, to make God love you more!"

We escorted him from the front of the church, where two members of our Family drove him to the local hospital. We took care of his medical needs, and have sought for a stable home for him to rehabilitate in a discipleship ministry. After all, this is the mission of the Church and the Hope of the World: Jesus.


* I don't know if Chris is going to receive our love, or if he will relapse again. I don't know if he will accept this gift of amazing grace. I don't know if he will allow us to help him...

But I do know that if sinners can stumble through the darkness and find a refuge in our arms, then we are doing what we set out to do. The liberation project is not just another church plant, it is a rescue mission! And word is spreading... "go down there to Exodus Church, they'll take anyone!"


Seasons of Change

Three years ago we moved from Michigan to Asheville, North Carolina with a minivan full of our only possessions and hearts finding a new rhythm of yes and maybe and hope bleeds south.

This afternoon I am sitting under an oak tree with autumn leaves changing before my eyes, reds and yellows and purple ~ beside a red, double-decker bus in the heart of the city. The coffee steams my face as I wait and reflect.

I am not who I was.

Last Sunday I stood in the kitchen and cried. Jamie and I were reading a thank you note from an anonymous giver in our church community, and I began to receive and experience a deep appreciation for this new community of faith. Lives are being touched because I was not silent. Hearts are being healed by the power of amazing grace, a testimony of humiliation and reconciliation. I told Jamie, in all humility, that I am so proud of 'us'. We kept going and sharing and loving and giving. B.R. and B. J. and the list goes on..., tried to kill us. They tried to bury a family in the shame of confessed sin and guilty pleas. And yet resurrection has the last word.

The gospel refuses to stay silent. The unshakeable resolve of resurrection rises from the ashes of a thousand matches, burning like a wildfire ~ ; a freight train of grace that prevails over law.

Tonight, we will sit together as a family at a downtown diner, to celebrate and reflect on the power of love. We will share a pizza and laughter and probably end up getting ice cream to chase the bittersweet away.


gina carlin, my friend

if i had more time
i would tell you:
the silence of september will be replaced by the ache of december
and the look on leila's face paints a thousand portraits, when words fail.


I (Still, Always) Love Jesus

Because he first loved me. Because he met me in the basement of hell and stormed the gates and rescued me from myself. He cooked me breakfast beside a charcoal fire and reinforces his ridiculous mercy.

I love Jesus Christ now, more than ever!

He is the One who silences the accuser, shatters the strongholds, recapitulates my story, and stands as my defense. I love Jesus because he is the One who has come, and will come again. He is the author and the finisher, the preamble and the conclusion. He is the introduction and the Post Script. He is the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

I am nothing. He is everything. I am a Voice, amplifying the Blood of the Slaughtered Lamb. I am a vapor of insignificance. He is the Wind and the Fire of a thousand gentle whispers.


Every Act of Love...

She had cried a thousand tears by the time I met her.

Last week, a local homeless woman stumbled into my circle of care, asking for help. Selena had been homeless for several months, and a few months ago she lost custody of her daughter, Arayana. While staying with extended family, Arayana had drowned in a tragic ending to a torrential three-year journey.

After the death of her three year-old daughter, Selena had her daughter cremated and carried around her daughter's ashes in a small box in a backpack with her only possessions. Along with the ashes, Selena had sealed the box with the only pictures she had of her daughter before she died.

Last week, Selena slept outside on the concrete steps of a local church. When she woke up in the morning, she discovered that someone had stolen her bag (and consequently, her daughter's ashes)! She began to tremble, screaming hysterically at God for His assistance! She knocked on the lifeless doors of the church, and began clawing through the bushes looking for her precious box. The local homeless community began to assist her in the search, soliciting the help of anyone passing by...

When I first met Selena, I could see that the past few days had taken a toll on her emotional and mental stability. She could hardly talk; lips trembling as she repeated the story over and over and over. I invited her into a circle with my friends, and we began to pray. She just sobbed, and confessed, "God, I don't even know if you exist... I've lost whatever faith I had. But I am willing to give you what is left of my broken heart..." She wiped the tears and motioned with her hands, gesturing an offering, "Here."

[Where is God when it hurts?]

Within three days, we had organized a search team and began to print off flyers. We knocked on the doors of local businesses and began to help Selena search for the missing box. Our assumption is that the thief falsely assumed some monetary value, and after discovering the ashes probably dumped the evidence in a dumpster or in the woods somewhere. We invited the media to help us tell her story. We walked and prayed and joined hands in anger and hope.

Yesterday morning, I invited Selena to the stage at Exodus Church. After sharing her story, our family of faith lifted hands in prayer [ektenos: the stretching of a muscle to its limit], and offered ourselves as the answer to the question of God's Presence in the pain.

He is here, even now, in the furnace of suffering. God's heart breaks for the poor. He rages against the brokenness of this world, and he has enlisted the cure ~ an invisible revolution of Kingdom Citizens who are committed to the inauguration of a New World Order. Every act of love increases the capacity to love more...

*To listen to the audio recording of Selena's Story, check out "The Saint's in Caesar's Household" at www.exodusasheville.com/listen ("Boo" is her street name, and you can hear her voice at the end).


Asheville, North Carolina (Jay DePoy)

I love the way you whisper to me in a thousand tongues, an invitation to wonder and a celebration of awe. You are north meets south, no east nor west; a thousand miles of adventure in a city of hope.

And I have come to turn you upside down with good news!


Learning to Dive

I went for a walk yesterday. My heart was heavy and discouraged, filled with the shrapnel of well-intended critics who have evaluated my life and ministry and found fault. My mind was spinning, rehearsing endless conversations about trying to keep the masses happy.

I have given so much of my life toward the seductive pursuit of pleasing people. Countless hours have been spent trying to keep a certain audience happy, and another audience from abandoning me. I have labored over relationships that seem to be inevitably destructive, and I have cared so deeply for the reconstruction of my reputation ~ all of which has taken its toll.

Who am I, really? What things do I really believe in, and for which causes will I live and die for? At the end of the day, what really matters?

Leading a growing congregation comes at a heavy price. Sleepless nights infused with day dreams of a revolution of love... If not us then who? If not here, then where? If not now, then when? The prophetic insomnia eats away at my conscience, demanding direction and visible leadership.

I can't keep __________ happy. I could give you a thousand reasons why his logic is flawed, not the least of which is the propensity to assume the world's revolution around his feelings. And then there is __________ who thinks that unless I am doing a certain number of things, then I am not filled by the Spirit of the Lord (as revealed to him by a 'fresh rhema'). And what about the audience that says I focus too much on feeding the poor and not enough on the confrontation of sin? Or the flip-side, those who threaten to walk away because I present a biblically literal interpretation of the afterlife? My heart is torn apart, and I just throw my hands in the air and say, "Why can't we just all love each other and work it out?"

We live in a generation of quitters. Never before in human history has there been such rampant anemia in the bloodline of the Family of Faith. We are terrified of committing ourselves to anything, or anyone, other than the pursuit of whatever we are feeling in the moment. We make our promises and verbal assents, but when it comes time to get off our asses, people are too busy 'praying about it'. And when the battle wages on, people are dying, children are starving, hate is winning, and we are sleeping.

I had to disconnect for awhile. I deactivated my Facebook account for a few days, and stopped taking phone calls. I am feeling the seductive weight of unbearable expectations. I can't do this anymore. Whatever 'this' is, it's not working.

I went for a long walk, around the bend and down the country roads near our house. The mountains of Western North Carolina provide the perfect backdrop for the Natural Revelation of God's insistence: The temporary treasures of fleeting moments, or fragile relationships built on false assumptions, are meaningless, meaningless, meaningless!

By the time I walked into the doorway of our home, Jamie greeted me. She told me that the girls have been waiting up because they were excited to tell me something... I walked into the living room where my three daughters were sitting on the couch in their princess dresses (pajamas!), and freshly painted, sun-kissed cheeks. "Daddy!" They squealed, "Guess what?"

I couldn't imagine what exciting news they had to share with me. I sat down across from them and asked what all the buzz was about. Ambria and Mariah both shouted at the same time, "We learned how to dive today!"

At the community pool, there is a deep end, treacherous to the beholding of a little girl. While I was walking off the steam of a thousand slivers of shallow shrapnel, my little girls were overcoming their fears of diving into the deep waters. While I was brooding over temporary rewards and fleeting satisfaction, they were finding new courage to dive headfirst into the unknown.

It's a right of passage! Learning to dive into the unknown requires knocking knees to buckle and leap, invoking the courage of overcoming fear and letting go... And when you come up swimming and breathing and satisfied, you feel exhilarated!

In that moment, as I kissed their sunburned cheeks, I found my center.


A Daddy/Daughter Date

This is Ambria Faith.

She was taken from me for almost two years. During a season of heartbreak and depression, I slipped into an emotional coma. I have vague recollections of her laughter between February, 2008 through September, 2009.

Recorded video and pictures capture her smiles and curls,
as she began to walk and talk.
I don't remember any of it.

My counselor diagnosed this as classic Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; the memory loss is specific to a series of episodes that exploded into my memory like a grenade, full of shrapnel and venom.

As the Lord has been restoring the years lost, I have been intentional about rediscovering her. I take Ambria on dates, and spend time talking to her every night before bed. (I do this with all three of my daughters, but it is only Ambria that I had lost in my memory). She has been coloring me pictures, and making me arts & crafts. Jamie says that she has always done that for me, but I just couldn't remember.

This a picture we took in the booth at Chuck-E-Cheese last week.

Ambria Faith, my bestest buddy.


His Mercies Are New Every Morning

I love my wife, my children, and the Church that He is building.


Click on the following link to read the local news report about our missional efforts in the city of Asheville, North Carolina.



God Was In This Place, And I Did Not Know It

There is a beautiful story in the Old Testament about a man named Jacob, who was known to have wrestled with God in the midnight hour. After one particular dream, Jacob awoke with a spiritual limp, saying, "The Lord was here, and I didn't know it."

As I reflect on my journey with God, there were times when I had resigned to the inevitable conclusion that I had been abandoned by the One who had promised to never leave me. I felt so alone, and rejected. I felt cold and hot in the same blanket of shame. I was convinced that my own inner prison was enough to keep the Lord at a guilty distance. As if He were content to let me wallow in my darkness.

But as I look back in the rearview mirror, I see 'goodness and mercy' following me. At every exit, a ransom. In every burning bridge - a fountain of blood. He has been there in the pursuit, and He is furiously relentless in the rescue mission.

The Lord was here, and I didn't know it.

How many times have you become frozen in a moment? Have you ever experienced the cosmic pause of a Creator wooing you by a gentle wind, or the laughter of children running through the summer grass? You can't explain it; the stillness of His whisper (screaming in full volume) love, love, love.

The Lord was here, and I didn't know it.

Have you ever walked away from a car accident that should have brought your end?

How many times have you been abruptly awoken from a deep sleep, convinced in the shaking by a gentle hand?
You turn to look around, and realize it was just a dream... or was it?

Have you ever be tranquilized by the awe of a sunrise against the backdrop of a Michigan blizzard?
Or the crash of a thunderous wave against the Outer Banks during Hurricane Season?
You are left disoriented and confused by the rampage of a furious Force, calling your name.

The Lord was here, and I didn't know it.

May you slow down long enough to notice the burning bush, and the whisper of a God who is calling you to a deeper intimacy through the awareness of His Presence.

And you might want to take off your shoes in recognition that this ground is sacred. Because He has been here since the beginning, and your arrival is late.


Rob Bell with Francis Chan

There is more to this hug than the camera captures...

Several years ago, I had the privilege of studying under Rob for a season of introspection and transformation. He was leading one of the fastest growing churches in the world, and becoming a global name in the unfolding story of the Church.

He taught me about contextualization, and about how to study the Text with humility and passion. He taught me how to set boundaries, and how to rest in the finished work of God's redemptive work of the cross. He taught me about love and about grace and about forgiveness.

A few years later, I fell into a series of self-destructive choices and landed in jail. I had plummeted from the faith and wanted nothing to do with the professional religious venom that I had experienced by other Christian leaders. When Rob heard about my (very public, and humiliating) fall from grace, he personally reached out to me and mentored me back to the Table of restoration in Jesus' Name. He didn't care what the haters said, he just showed me, from the bible, how to be reconciled to God.

Shortly thereafter, my family moved to Asheville, North Carolina to start a new church family. We wanted to create a safe place to explore a dangerous faith, and we wanted to reach out to people on the margins... people who felt unwelcome, people like me.

Last year I attended a church planting conference (Exponential, 2011) in Orlando, Florida. I was so excited to hear Francis Chan. To me, Francis Chan had always modeled sincerity in biblical application and missional living. I sat in the front row of the balcony, and poised myself to take notes...

But then my heart broke, in the opening session. Francis made a few comments that were sarcastic, directed at Rob Bell. The awkward laughter generated electricity in the crowd of thousands, and there had been a clear line of separation between Francis Chan and the trending heresy of Rob Bell's 'Love Wins'.

But I knew that the months surrounding the release of Rob's book brought an unprecedented amount of toxic venom from evangelical leaders across the country. In the name of apologetics, Rob, Kristen, and their three children have been scrutinized and deconstructed to the point of nausea. I know it hurt, more than he would be willing to say.

So as soon as the first session was over, I went directly to Francis Chan and confronted him. I shared with him my disappointment and the hurt that had been caused by "off the cuff" jokes, and that perhaps there were a more healthy platform from which to communicate our differences.

Francis Chan looked me (vein pulsing in forehead), and I about melted in fear. Who am I to question this prophet of the Lord? I'm just a spiritually-limping, recovering Pharisee. I apologized if there was no truth in my claim, but exhorted him to do an inventory of his soul and question is motivation.

Francis Chan began to weep. Tears began to fall as he received my humble, sloppy words. He thanked me for confronting him, and admitted that he felt convicted by the Holy Spirit for taking a cheap shot at another brother. He also added his deep angst over the recent work of Rob Bell, and that it could be very confusing to the emerging generation. "But I promise you," he said.."I will personally call Rob, and we will talk privately about our differences!"

A few minutes later, Francis Chan opened his 2nd session with a lengthy apology to Rob Bell. And the twitter generation responded accordingly.

I have not seen Rob since this incident, but I did follow up to see if Francis Chan had followed through with his promise. Yes! Indeed, two of the most beloved voices in our generation had talked privately about their (clear) differences, and have agreed to disagree ~ under the banner of Christ's greatest commandment. Love.

I stumbled into this picture, and wept.


Love is Stronger Than Death

a familiar absence

sitting on this park bench
find me here.
leaning back to exhale the past
toxic regret
breathing in grace and forgiveness
eyes blurry, focusing on flowers opening toward the sun

in the distance, i hear church bells
a familiar tune...wait, what is it?
i can find myself being transported back to 31410 McCracken St.
ah yes, here is the chorus:
'at the cross, at the cross - where i first saw the light
the burden of my sin rolled away,
it was there by faith, i received my sight
and now i am happy all the day...'


the color of the sunset

i walk slowly ahead
of a blue sled, the host
of a purple jacket, the host
of a pink-faced three year old
the only medication for this holocaust of the soul

what color is the sunset, daddy?
she repeats,
and looks in the opposite direction,
what color is the sunset?

it's a fusion of orange and silence
red and black and blue
it's the color of my heart as we speak
the breath hanging in the air
like a question

what color is the sunset? mariah asks

to be exact, i am not sure anymore
but there was a time
i was never in doubt

but of this, i'm confident:
this snowbank is our couch
and i would rather sit here with you
right now, this moment
than do anything else in the entire world.

we trade stories of billy the bear
and hope for spring to come soon
as surely as daylight fades
once upon a time there was man named jerry depoy jr.
and he loved his girls more than life itself...

what color is the sunset, daddy?

it's the color of tears, salty
down my face an ocean on the carpet
where i am fully present fully somewhere else
exhausted of repression, suppression, depression
and the infinite self-hatred

i am numb to the words of affirmation
that used to fuel me like a drug
in the distance i can hear the violent heaving of my best friend
hovering over a porcelain toilet
and i am the cause

what color is the sunset, daddy?

it's the color of dry heaving and the inevitability of hope
it's the color of prescription medication (anti-everything)
it's the color of trust in circles of tears and prayers and battle cries for deliverance
it's the color of a God who is counting down the days until my groaning will be no more

it's the color of ambria's baby monitor
and the exchange of turns in the middle of another sleepless night
it's the color of lies and truth and fist and a hush
and the color of terror and the color of my greatest fear

what color is the sunset, daddy?

it's the color of rocks thrown from unexpected people
in unexpected ways. it's the color of the breath that leaves
my lungs at the last email received
and i clutch the microphone - absolutely no shade
both spot lights center stage
me in pieces

but this i know, of this i'm sure:
there's nowhere i'd rather be
than right here on this snowbank
in the backyard in the stillness you can hear
the neighbors barking dog
and my breaking heart

the burden of a prophet

abba Father
i can not breathe or think or study
the theological interpretations anymore
i am so sick inside
a fire
i must put the differing opinions aside
and get out the timeless Truth to see
what You have to say

oh Father!
what should Your church look like?
what has become of this body of Christ?
for what should we stand for, fight for, live for,
and what should we be willing to die for?

i am so sick inside
desperate to feel Your hands around my life
i can not lift my head.

abba Father!
i am so unbelievably incompetent
so much i don't know
i have not yet scratched the surface
of knowing Your mystery

i am so unworthy of the vision that You have burned within my soul!

oh God, fill me from head to heart
put Your anointing on me
because without You
i am a wretch with undeserved salvation

help me to glorify You in everything i do
may nothing be done in vain deceit
abba, there is so much i don't know
i need to hear from You!

You're all i want
take me home to be with You

if You leave me here
then let me be a general in Your army of love
a servant to the poor
a shepherd to the lost sheep

take all of my material possessions
and desire for earthly finances
take my pride and nail it to the cross.
please cover me with Your blood
fill me with Your mercy
touch me with Your nail-scarred hand
and lift me up to the throne of grace
that i may come boldly into Your presence

where is the Lord God of elijah?
where have all the prophets gone?


if only you knew...

how much i loved you

these days a new chapter 
of always never and i heard a song on the radio the other day
it made me think of the covenant we made
and the moon (the faithful witness) shining on all things what if

some day sunday i am going to tell you a story
of how we've come to this place
but until then
i'll keep tapping my foot and clapping my hands 
and singing those words
even though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death...

[oh no, you never let go!]

tonight i am thankful
for the beauty exchanged for the ashes left behind
and even though i walk with a limp
still i walk, and
for this reason 
i give thanks.


The Voice Within

I have found my purpose in life.

This indisputable calling has been solidified through a diversity of ways, not the least of which is the fruit of relationships that have been formed over time. Those who have been gracious enough to know me, and love me anyway, have confirmed my role in the Jesus Revolution;
to be a messenger of God's scandalous grace.

I have devoted my life to this calling.

The vortex of my ache is driven by an all-consumming fire, to tell the Story of creation/fall/redemption. The prophetic insomnia screams from within, a song of resurrection hope.
God is not dead, He's surely alive;
Living on the inside, roaring like a Lion...

[3:37] I awake from the haze of wonder,
blurring the line between dream and reality.

I reach for my journal and scribble thoughts to myself:

* "Remember where you came from: Byron Road,
    [now abandoned home].
    Home-schooled and barefoot before the burning bush."

* "I did know thee in the Wilderness"
 - cassette tape recording of Jack Hyles

* "Tell Bill R. that I forgive him."

* "Idea for a sermon: Throw a rock through a mirror on stage,
    killing the enemy within."

I am driven by a Force that is inexplicable to those who have never experienced the freedom of resurrection hope. I search tenaciously for those who are hiding from God's love. I reach out to those who are sitting on the fence, and trembling in terror at the idea of surrender.

I'm just one beggar telling another beggar where I've found bread.


Helplessness and the Cross

Twenty-four hours removed from brain surgery, Ashlyn sleeps in her mother’s arms. She is still twitching in pain, breathing in the medication, as I watch the heart monitors flashing 184, unGodly high.
As a Father, I want to protect her! She wakes up every few minutes to look in my direction. Our eyes meet and she searches for a rescue from this pain. I gently rub her shoulders and tuck her hair behind her ears, “Shhh… it’s going be okay”. After she sobs, her breathing turns to a choppy, muffled surrender, and her eyelids close again.
The temporary pain she is going through now is only for a season. The surgical procedure will secure a deeper quality of living and a truer harmony between her mind and her body; the balance of desire and development. She will begin to walk with more ease, and her coordination will strengthen as she matures. If it were not for this [however painful] intervention, she would have succumbed to frequent falls, frustration, and physical weakness.

575567 10151508957460644 695020643 24277403 927309536 n1 179x300 Helplessness and the Cross

The cross is a stake through the heart, a painful transaction of justice and mercy. I scream out for deliverance, and my Father woos me to rest in the finished remedy. I reach for temporary medication to relieve this pain, and I wake up searching for an answer to the ever-illusive paradox. “Abba!” I scream, “Why have you abandoned me?”and he shushes me in a whisper, evidence of His immanence.The cross is a blade through the soul, a constant reminder that my old epistemological paradigms are no longer relevant. The old sacrificial system has been replaced by grace. Therefore, my scars of self-destruction have been healed by his scars of self-sacrifice.          I am not who I was. I am not who I was. I am not who I was.


An Open Letter To My Younger Self

Forgive me, please. I've been meaning to connect with you for quite some time. Days became months, and months became years... I got busy, and distant. The space created was intentional and forced and in our best interest, trust me.

The truth is, I have harbored hatred in my heart toward you. On many occasions I wanted to cut you to pieces, and shatter the mirror that reminded me of your depravity! I have had dreams of killing you, and pushing you off a towering ledge ~ and I imagined what your funeral would be like. I have torn apart your pictures, and mocked your crooked teethe and poor posture.

I know you! I know the way you habitually pick at your fingers when you're lost in thought. I know your secrets and your shame. I know you've said too much. Yes, I know about that closet addiction and the bible verse you quote to tell yourself that it will be okay. I know you blame everyone else for the ecclesiastical trauma you limped away from. But the truth is, you were never more true than the moment you plead guilty.

And in your confession, things have begun to change internally.
Now therefore, there is no condemnation.

If I could have your complete attention, I would put you in a choke hold until you are ready to surrender to my counsel... There are a few things I want to tell you:

1. Guard Your Heart

Be careful. In your desire to love and be loved, you will be tempted to trust the wrong people with the most sacred of your possessions. Your heart is a vessel that pumps royally-transfused blood into veins that run fervently toward mercy. You stay awake at night dreaming of changing the world and making a difference and zeal for the Father's House will consume you.

Don't trust the applause of men. They will hail you in one breath, and crucify you in the next. Don't trust the shallow nature of momentum and the ever-illusive amens. Don't trust the pinches on the cheek or the words of affirmation from fair-weather friends. Don't give your heart away to the lethal drug of the stage. The addiction is a virus that will eat your soul, and rape your innocence.

After you've had your heart torn asunder, you will find yourself more likely to random overreactions of sudden panic and noisy retreat. You'll see the worst in people. You'll avoid conflict because you will be afraid of being abandoned. You will prefer to hide under the covers and pray that the clouds roll away.

And it will take years to heal from the destructive lies that you've believed; Years to uproot the weeds from the garden you've planted... the garden of regret.

2. Love Your Wife

After the smoke clears and the haters leave anonymous comments, she will be the anchor of hope that wakes up beside you every morning. Her quiet strength roars in a decibel one octave too high for cognitive evaluation, but her faith in action will restore your confidence that all will be well.

She is the shy freshmen in a canoe that left you speechless. She wore the fire out of those birkenstocks, and met you everyday at the clock tower on campus. She will bring you three adorable daughters, and you will find in her a resilience that silences the enemy. She can rock a hoola-hoop like a Puerto-Rican diva, and her maternal instincts know no boundaries.

At the end of your life, she will be there until the last breath is taken. Every decision you make will be an investment in your covenant, and the outpouring of grace will be the remedy to the moody blues. Waking up next to her is evidence that the Lord's mercies are new every morning...

3. Have Faith in Grace

All of those elementary Sunday School lessons are true.
"Jesus loves you, this you know... For the Bible tells you so. Little ones to him belong, we are weak but He is strong." From your infancy, you have been raised to believe in the promises of Scripture; God is good and Jesus died on the cross for your sins and his blood covers your guilty plea.

Don't ever stop believing in the beautiful Story of Amazing Grace! Place your confidence in the promise that God's grace is enough to sustain you. One day, you will be tempted to dismiss it all as unknowable and uncertain... In that moment, remember the time you were baptized in a river in Montana, beside the waterfall. Remember the feeling of resurrection when you came up from out of the water. Remember breathing in the abundance of scandalous grace, and never forget the freedom you embraced.

Grace is a dance that you will learn to embrace. Your first attempts will be awkward and out of sync with the rest of the world. You will be tempted to retreat to the corner and sulk in your loneliness. But the magnetism of the Dance will woo you back to the movement of yes and wait and surrender. And your natural inclination will collide with the spiritual insistence that the song is familiar.

Grace will squeeze the hate from your mirror,
and wipe the tears from your eyes.

She will seduce you with her relentless invitation.

Her violence is an incoming Tide, washing away your castles of sand.

You will learn to inhale the surrender, and drown in her mystery.


All That Matters

My grandma is dying. Every minute that passes by is another gift, every breath is assumed to be her last. My dad is waiting beside her bedside, and rotates care with a hospice worker. He wrote her a letter of goodbye, put it into a poem, and inches forward into the suspended animation of this vaporous existence.

There are bombs exploded in the background, sedition in the community of faith where he serves as the ragamuffin pastor. In the midst of his mother's "home going", venomous attacks have been launched at his character. Some of the people for whom he has served, and loved, and trusted have stabbed him in the back and invited others into the shrapnel.

But my dad hasn't responded. All he does is love. Yes, in his unorthodox, socially awkward limp ~ he knows one thing: the love of family. Which, at the end of the day, is all that matters. And he is teaching me about priorities...

My daughter Ashlyn fell asleep on my chest tonight. She is scheduled for brain surgery with a Neurosurgeon from Duke University Hospital, to decompress the abnormality known as Chiari Malformation. In a few weeks they will reconstruct the base of her brain. I don't even know how process this journey of recent weeks... only to say

Family is all that matters. In comparison, I don't care about Exodus Church. I don't care about Lakeshore either. I don't care about all the accolades in this temporary existence. I don't care about ministry or reputation or google or theological positions or physical beauty or winning or writing a book like you keep asking me to. I don't care about building a big church or preaching a sermon next week or vision casting or problem solving or being a good orator or bombs going off behind my back or who wins the election or who loses the debate or who might be reading this because they heard scandalous things and set out to investigate my blog. I don't care about any of those things.

The only thing I care about right now is loving Jamie with the intensity of a hurricane, and being the best daddy that three little girls could ever dream of.


Blessed are the Persecuted

"The blood of the martyrs is the seed of the Church." - Tertullion

Thousands of Jewish Peasants, waiting in the fangs of the Roman Empire for liberation by the Messiah, lean in closely to hear the good news of the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven. Surely, this is our moment of revolt! Here is our King... let's go charge the enemy and overthrow the world's first global super-power as God's chosen nation!

And the climax of Jesus' upside-down announcement
would have been a huge disappointment:

"Blessed are the Persecuted."

The actual Greek word that is translated here [dioko], "hunted down, assaulted, and killed." Blessed are you when you are executed for the sake of righteousness. "Rejoice and be glad that you were counted worthy to suffer!" Then Jesus flows into a conversation about being salt and light for a world reeling in decadence and darkness.

The paradox of salt and light poignantly reveals the need for integration and separation. Salt, if it is to be effective, must be integrated into the very fabric of the culture. In the 1st Century, salt was used as a preservative agent against the decay of death! It would have been rendered useless unless it were intentionally threaded into the dough of society, like yeast ~ inseparable. And to be the "Light of the world" would naturally assume a separation from the world, in order to provide illumination.

Integration and separation = transformation and illumination.

Welcome to the invitation to transform our world.

And what does persecution look like in our world today? Statistics are so widely varied for obvious reasons, not the least of which is the frequent disappearance of missing Christians in parts of the developing world. It has been estimated that 175,000 Christians are martyred every year. 287 every day. 12 per hour. 1 every 5 minutes...

And what is different about your life? How is the American church living as salt and light? A recent body of work was published, describing an investigative journalist perspective on Evangelical Lifestyles in modern times. Allen Wolf's bottom line is summarized with a shrug, as if to say, "There's really nothing to be worried about... these Christians pose no threat to our way of living. There's nothing terribly different about them!" The following excerpt is his damning critique:

“While they are a movement of people who believe in a supernatural creator, 
there is little they do that appears very supernatural. They blend into the 
modern American landscape. They live in the suburbs, send their children to 
four-year liberal arts colleges, work in the professional capacities, 
enjoy contemporary music, shop in malls, raise confused and uncertain children, 
and relate primarily to people with whom they share common interests…” 
-       Transformation of American Religion, Allen Wolf, 232

Nothing. Different. About. Us.

Perhaps the reason why we are not experiencing persecution in our age is because our light is so dim that our world is not even aware of our existence.


Blessed are the Shalom Makers

To an audience craving the immanent overthrow of the evil empire hovering in the distance, Jesus invitation to the Kingdom of Peace must have come as a disappointment. Clawing from the fangs of Caesar's violent grip, the peasant Jews were hungry for a political revolution.

"Blessed are the Peace Makers, for they are the sons of God."

And to the first hearers of these words, this statement would have had a much deeper significance. Our American understanding of peace usually invokes images of Woodstock and picnics. Or, at the very least, an absence of conflict.

But to Jesus and his contemporaries within 1st Century Judaism, peace had a ferocious multiplicity of meanings. The Hebrew word is "Shalom"; which essentially means "everything restored to it's rightful place." Further derivatives of this root word could include "Shulam" ("it was paid for") or "Meshulam"("paid in advance"). The general idea is the Peace had to come at a price...

And how did Jesus usher in this Kingdom of Shalom?

He climbed on a donkey and marched through the parade right into the fangs of the Empire, knowing full well that his barbaric execution would forever change the course of human history.

Although the ancient prophets announced that when the Messiah would come, He would be "The Prince of Shalom", nobody was looking for slaughtered lamb. Yet, this is exactly what He would call His disciples to become. He would send them out in His Name "as lambs in the midst of wolves", with the assignment to proclaim: Shalom on this house... Shalom on this city... Shalom on this heart.

To understand our role in this revolution of Shalom, is to ask very difficult questions of our own commitment to this Rabbi. What does it mean to ask Jesus into your heart and then pledge allegiance to a Big Government that has an annual budget of 548 Billion Dollars to maintain our Department of Defense? What does it mean to call ourselves a "Christian Nation", donning Constantinian Swords on our Shields as the Nation that God has chosen? What if these two Kingdoms were to collide? Where is your allegiance?

And if the dominant evidence of our identity as followers of Jesus are the Fruits of the Spirit: "Love, Joy, Shalom, Gentleness, Meekness, Kindness," then why are we most quickly stereotyped as "Anti-gay, Anti-choice, Intolerant, Empire Builders, Warmongers"?

What happened to the literal application of Jesus' command to love our enemies? Seriously, what if He actually meant that stuff? That would wreck all of our ideologies, and dismantle our political platforms! We can't have that!

Notice this sign. Consider the posture of the Body of Christ, to a polarized world in search of Hope. What have we become? God have mercy, what have we become?

Jesus, I love you. I am so sorry for not representing you with more conviction, and grace. Please woo us back to the Way, the Truth, and the Life of your Love. We are a mess without you.

I pledge allegiance to the Slaughtered Lamb.


Blessed are the Pure in Heart

One day while Jesus was walking down the dusty roads in the Galilee, the disciples asked him a classic Jewish question: "Rabbi, who is the greatest in the Kingdom of Heaven?"

And Jesus settled his eyes on a few children playing in the distance... "the Kingdom belongs to these children."

There is something innocent about the way children run and play. They laugh obnoxiously loud, and squeal with delight at the slightest revelation! Without concern of grass-stains on skinned knees, they climb and explore and wrestle and imitate without reservation.

Have you ever seen a child doing yoga? Just trying to "find my center".  No! They don't worry about the growing pile of bills on the counter, or what they are going to do about the raising gas prices. There is an assumed confidence in the Sovereignty and Omnipotence of their Daddy...

Lately, I have been observing with greater intensity, my own three daughters. Mariah (8), Ambria (5), and Ashlyn (1.5) are taking their awkward first steps, skinning their knees, and experiencing new emotions every day. They are probably creating emotions that have yet to be named!

I want so desperately to protect their hearts. I want to scoop them up onto my lap, and to advise them: "Guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life!" And to further warn, "Hope deferred makes the heart sick!"

Because something dangerous happens whenever we give our hearts away to the wrong people or things. We become jaded, skeptical, and intentionally withdrawn. Given enough time and painful experiences, the heart can only experience so much trauma before it needs antidepressant medication to function.

Jesus says, "Blessed are the Pure in Heart".
Blessed are the children. They will see the face of their Heavenly Father.

As a Father, there is nothing I would not do for my girls. I would give them the clothes off my back, the food off my plate... I would lay down my life for them!

[Ashlyn Hope]

For the past several months we have been noticing that our baby Ashlyn has not been developing as she should be. She isn't walking or talking. She couldn't roll over, and her motor skills seemed to be lacking. So after many tests with pediatricians, she has been assigned to a Physical Therapist who has been working with her to develop muscle strength and coordination. And although she has shown signs of improvement, she still lags behind with "Global Developmental Delays".

Last monday we scheduled an MRI to get some answers for the reason behind the delays. The next afternoon, the hospital called to report that Xray results discovered that Ashlyn has a Chiari Malformation; an abnormality in her brain. She has been referred to a Neurosurgeon for possible brain surgery.

We have been relentlessly researching and as we anxiously await our next steps, our hearts break for the unknown future! We have been told that she might not ever "run and play", and that the brain is pushing down into her spinal cord, affecting her coordination and balance...

As she has been undergoing medical evaluations, my heart breaks every time they have to draw her blood. Last week she looked at me for help, as tears streamed down her little face. And there was nothing I could do but to turn away from the scene.

And I began to more deeply understand the love of the Heavenly Father as he was torn from the scene: "Abba! My God ~ Why have your forsaken me?" 

Ashlyn has a beautiful heart. She is an adorable baby girl with an infectious smile! She is so innocent and precious; to think of her being in any kind of physical or psychological pain is almost too much for me to comprehend. I am shattered, altogether, at the foot of cross.

I believe that Ashlyn's healing will be found through the scars of the crucified One, who atoned for our debts and has reconciled this broken world to Himself. My hope is viewed through the lens of a post-easter worldview, and the tomb is empty!


Blessed are the Merciful

I still remember the moment that my Grandfather unloaded an avalanche of disrespect at my dad, in front of all of us DePoy kids. I was sixteen years old, and I launched into the defense of my dad with a lunge from the kitchen table. I rolled up my sleeves and threatened to physical strike my own Grandfather...

He died a few years ago, and we were never reconciled.

Because I have a photographic memory, and I know how to keep score. I have an emotional ledger on my lap, calculating relational profits/losses with the razor blade of "discernment". After years of theological education, I have hidden behind the shelter of unforgiveness beneath the cloak of being a wise steward of my heart.

Reading Jesus' invitation to live in the freedom of forgiveness has wrecked everything for me! What if He really meant that stuff? That would throw a proverbial wrench in my plans of starving the hostages in my prison of bitterness.

"Blessed are the Merciful, for they will be shown Mercy..." - defined beautifully as 'Active compassion by Divine grace'; Mercy is intricately woven into the fabric of forgiveness, as illustrated by the Parable of the Unmerciful Servant.

Jesus paints a portrait of His Father's posture by describing the Kingdom:
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like a King who wanted to settle all accounts..."

What does this tell us about the heart of God?

Central to the redemption Story is the gospel insistence of debt cancellation and the implications thereof.
Because we all have an account, and we all will stand before the King who desires reconciliation.


Last year I went to a conference in Orlando, Florida. I had greatly anticipated the Grand Finale - an inspiring message from a theological hero of mine. On the morning of the big event, I overslept in my hotel room (long story... no wake up call from the front desk/my lawyers are handling it...). The alarm clock revealed my inner panic, and I squealed out of the parking lot in my rented Toyota Prius. Despite the stale green light, I blew threw the immanent red-lighted intersection and cruised my way to catch the end of the conference.

Two months later, I received an "Infraction" in the mail. There was a phone number to call, if I had any questions, otherwise the necessary payment should be included in this return envelope... I dialed the phone number at the bottom of the ticket and began to argue with the Police Officer in Florida. He invited me to check out a particular website which had documented and preserved my blown red light.

Yep, that's me... driving a rented Toyota through an intersection that could not contain my hurry.

How shall I plea? What is my defense?

But Jesus insists that the Kingdom of Heaven is like a King who desires reconciliation. He cancels the debt of "10,000 Talents" which, according to Josephus was the exact amount demanded by the Roman Emperor Pompey upon the Jews in 64 BC; This astronomical figure was another example of Jesus' hyperbole exaggerations of the extreme. The numerical figure of 10,0000 was the highest number used in reckoning, and the "Talent" was the highest amount of printed currency in the culture of the Ancient Near East.

Jesus was communicating the weight of our sin, and the price of our forgiveness.

But then, in classic rabbinic fashion, Jesus flips the script and twists the narrative to include the lack of forgiveness offered by the slave to his peers. He leaves the presence of the Throne and immediately hunts down an outstanding debtor for repayment. Capturing his attention in a choke hold, the Unmerciful Servant refuses to offer forgiveness to the smaller debt that was owed to him.

This is me.

I am an artist at harboring unforgiveness... I have approximately 5 people in Muskegon, MI whom I am continuing to keep in my own prison. The cold shoulder is a choke hold, and I am wrestling with the demand of the King, to forgive those who have hurt me.

I have been known to run a few red lights. I have burned a bridge or two... I have left behind carnage in my wake. I have been found guilty.

And I have been forgiven. How now shall I live?


Blessed are those who Hunger and Thirst

There is an insatiable desire within the core of every human heart, to be reconciled to God through the finished work of the cross of Jesus Christ. Every act of aggression is a feeble attempt to scratch that eternal itch. This is about that.

Deep within the recesses of our soul, is an unquenchable thirst for things to be made right with our Creator, and we claw our way toward that redemption by swinging in the dark. This is about that.

There are schools of Psychology and conflict mediation that have uncovered this elementary truth: The nature of addiction, violence or self-destruction is usually born from something beneath the surface. The gnawing ache for things to be made right with our Creator. Human rebellion has fractured that relationship, and we long for reconciliation. This is about that.

Every addiction or self-destructive path was first ignited from a desire for the itch to go away. We have learned to settle for the temporary gratification, until the virus bleeds into patterns and cycles of immediate remedies ~ like a bandaid over a tourniquet. This is about that.

The man who rages against the referee at a little-league game, or punches his television after his team loses... The road raging driver who goes animalistic at a careless merge; This is about that.

Jesus says, "Blessed are those who hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled."

When, by God's gracious revelation, we hear the cosmic invitation to the Table of Communion, our hearts find healing in the Bread of Life. Drinking deeply of the Living Water spills over into the abundant life that Christ has come to offer. This is about that.

"You have made us for yourself, and our hearts are restless until they rest in you."
- St. Augustine


Blessed are Meek

I grew up being introduced to a femmy Jesus. He looked like Mr. Rogers, with a beard. He was nice and didn't say anything offensive. He liked to pet sheep, and kids climbed all over him.

Ironically, "meekness" was always taught as "weakness". And by 8th grade, I was over it.

So then I jumped ship to the fighting fundamentalist Jesus; He liked to protest things and blog about the end of the world! He was much more angry and it made for some exciting sermons...

But recently I stumbled into the real Jesus. The beautiful, intoxicating revolutionary who introduced the Kingdom Manifesto as a direct assault on the Roman Empire. This advancing Kingdom of God spreading like a wildfire by the least likely of characters.

"Blessed are the Meek", says Jesus, "For they shall inherit the earth".

The actual Greek translation of meekness [praus] speaks of strength under control. It is not a feminine hippy with no backbone [or, Kip Dynamite for example], nor is Meekness described by violence or brutal force. It's neither Mr. Rogers nor Malcolm X.
Meekness is strength, under control.

The Greek philosopher Aristotle described meekness as the beautiful character quality that found a voice for the appropriate rage within. Because, as it has been said, if you're not outraged, you're not paying attention.

Honest hermeneutical exegesis will reveal the real fire behind Jesus, the homeless Rabbi from Nazareth. History records that from His infancy, Jesus was born into a collision of Kingdoms. Biblical writers paint a portrait of Jesus on the warpath, planting subversive seeds of sedition right beneath the nose of King Herod!

Several of Jesus' parables were contemporary commentaries on social justice, mocking the plastic impostor who claimed to rule over the Jews. Jesus and Herod were on a collision course, and Christ's followers were invited to help spread the wildfire of the good news: The Kingdom of God is at hand!

One time when Jesus was in the middle of a diatribe on the splendor of the Real Kingdom, some Pharisees came to him with a warning, "Run! King Herod has issued a subpoena for your arrest... He wants to kill you!" Jesus fired back with a holy outrage: "Go tell that fox, I will cast out demons, I will heal people, and on the third day, I will finish my course!"


Strength under control does not wield an AK-47 and call for block battle. Strength under control recognized that at any moment, "I could call on my Father who would immediately dispatch 12 legion of angels on my behalf"... but chooses instead, a cross.

Jesus saw the face of evil, and did not ignore it. He climbed on a donkey and rode right into the mouth of the monster, only to eventually be ushered before the wicked King Herod. (Picture Jesus in handcuffs, with a swollen eye and bloody nose, being questioned by Herod). "And Jesus gave him no answer."

He didn't even honor his questions with an answer! He completely disrespected him, and ignored the hailstorm of bullets. Because He had seen the throne... and Herod was not on it!

Meekness is standing in the face of adversity, with the conviction of assumed authority as a child of the Real King. And to confront systemic evil with beautiful anger, because holy outrage leads to the healing and reconciliation of this broken world.


Blessed Are Those Who Mourn

Two thousand years ago, Jesus inaugurated the incoming Kingdom of God and the New World Disorder. The Beatitudes are a gauntlet slammed into the 1st Century Palestinian battle ground, announcing a new beginning...

"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted..."

This progression of hope for the children of God, pledging allegiance to His reign, separates the various dimensions of grieving as both spiritual and physical. They have always been, and remain, interchangeable. Sin gives birth to death, and the heart of God breaks over both conditions.

Hope is that crucial ingredient that carries Christian mourners through seasons of deepest loss. Hope is the chain that peddles the bike that keeps you going. Hope is the seed that sprouts the roots and springs a tree.

And in what is our hope? In whom is our faith?

The resurrection of the crucified King! The manifestation of a literal rising from the ashes of decadence, have been for two thousand years, the motivation to mourn with conviction.

In John 11, the New Testament tells the story of Jesus receiving an oral telegram: "Come quick, your best friend, Lazerus, is sick unto death!"The text reads with cryptic subversion, "Now Jesus loved Lazerus, so he did not come."

He loved Lazerus, [therefore] he didn't answer his prayer.

And in this waiting room of suffering and ashes, the family mourns the loss of their brother. The anguish initiates a series of questions, revealing the frustration we have all felt at times. "Where were you, God?" Jesus absorbs their tears like a sponge, and receives their doubt with delicate authority. His posture bends in the dirt to feel the weight of this loss.... ["Jesus wept."]

On that day God cried, salty tears of internal rage. He looked into the eyes of his closest friends, after announcing that this will not be the last chapter; the Resurrection and the Life was enveloped in cynical despair. And Jesus felt their lack of faith in Him, bending to His knees in anguish.

----- The Resurrection and the Life ---- cried.

Where is your faith? Awake O sleeper, death will not have the last word. The cross couldn't finish His sentence, and the grave couldn't hold His power! Where our sins have been atoned for, the scars are not fatal and the grave is not final. When we mourn over those things that break the heart of God, comfort crashes into the casket!

Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.


Blessed are the Spiritually Bankrupt

A couple of years ago Jamie and I decided to move down to the mountains of Asheville, North Carolina. We had three hundred dollars in the bank, and the promise of an acquaintance to rent a home, until I could find a job in the city. We had the zealous hope of a new chapter, and the future seemed wide open...

Shortly after we moved here, I had this brilliant idea to take a road trip to the Carolina coast; I had always wanted to surf the Charleston beaches, so I tucked my surfboard into the car and made it a solo adventure. I surfed with the dolphins and chatted with tourists. I lingered in the surf shops and eventually began the six hour trek home.

*There are parts of South Carolina that you just might want to avoid. Long highway stretches separate the progressive boom town of Charleston, from the backwoods mystery of lesser known places... and it was here, in the middle of the unknown, that my engine blew a head-gasket. Smoke poured from the hood of my Jetta, and there was no hope of a quick fix. I hitched a ride to the nearest gas station, that had promptly closed at five pm. It was beginning to get dark, and I could hear banjo music... No cell phone reception, no credit card, and the music was getting louder!

I finally waived down a motorist, and he gave me a lift to a phone booth up the road. I was able to call Jamie collect and I explained the situation. She scurried to put the girls in the mini-van and attempted to rescue me, but somewhere outside of town, the transmission blew on her van as well. So my wife and kids were simultaneously stranded six hours away!

[That awkward moment when you keep seeing reruns of Deliverance in your mind, as the darkness is setting in...]

Jamie finally got a hold of a friend-of-a-friend who immediately set out to retrieve me. This guy drove an F-350 with a flatbed trailer behind it, and five hours later, he found me on the side of the road (hiding behind some trees!). He loaded my car up and I climbed into the passenger seat. I was so ecstatic to have been found, rescued, and returned...

As we neared Columbia, we pulled off to get something from the drive-through at McDonald's. He ordered a bunch of food for both of us, and I insisted on calculating the totals, "Here, let me pay!",  but he ignored my request.  I kept a close eye on his gasoline, mileage, and time granted; I was going to make this all up, I had promised.

After my persistent requests to let me pay for this favor, he just looked at me and said, "You don't understand grace, do you?"


Jesus inaugurated an inverted power system as he announced the Kingdom of Heaven and the New World Disorder. "Blessed are the Spiritually Bankrupt" [ptochos]; a word picture of absolutely nothing left in the bank... running on fumes and now the fumes have evaporated. Guilty. Surrender. Ptochos.

The good news of the gospel is that God has heard the cry of his children, and He has set forth on a rescue mission to retrieve the prodigals... And when you find yourself standing on the side of a barren highway, with no money and no hope and a blown head gasket and burned bridges and the scandalous resume as a liar/fraud/cheat, your only posture is to make a collect phone call to Heaven, and beg for Mercy.

Blessed are the Spiritually Bankrupt, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven.